There is a land of perfect holidays to enjoy all year long. Forte Village is a country where employees and clients feel proud to live as its loving citizens.
I am sitting on the seventh row in front of a scene where I think I am fortuned to admire the best opera show in the world. I have never been much of an opera fan, but now, suddenly, I feel like I will follow all the big plays. It is because I am part of a Rigoletto performance where the genius Leo Nucci, 72, the best Rigoletto interpreter in the world, is demonstrating why Opera is still a form of ancient art we love. And why in an era of internet and virtual reality we are still amazed by an artistic act performed by an „army” of artists and technicians. In a complex recipe of emotions, I feel lucky to actually listen to live music played by real musicians.
The opera is new to the 40 years old Forte Village story and it owes it to the launch of Forte Arena, an open-air theater that may already be considered one of the top cultural destinations of Sardinia, if not of entire Italy. It is a construction inspired by the Roman architecture following another brilliant idea of Mr Lorenzo Giannuzzi, the ”master mind” behind the one-of-a-kind Forte Village team. And I write brilliant as in Forte Village you have the impression that nothing can be added for the recipe of a perfect vacation. Nevertheless, each year, the concept evolves to keep the pace with everything cool in our times. Mr Giannuzzi is running the business since 23 years and one thing he hates, and admits it, is „copy-paste”: ”Each year we meet shortly to celebrate our success and then we start thinking of what we can improve, of what we can do better. People come to us because we have certain things but there is also this element of surprise every year. And this is what builds the strong relation we have with our clients.”
It seems that the same story was at the origin of Forte Arena. There was an issue of modernizing an old structure inside the complex when Mr Giannuzzi had the vision for an ambitious cultural project instead of a technical investment. ”The center strength of Forte Arena is the fact that we have the perfect location to host great events with a lot of people. Not just an interest for Forte Village but for everybody. It’s the culture and art that attract the people. Slowly but surely, the shows will become annual appointments for opera fans and not only.” Already, there are two operas in plan for next year. One for Sunday and one during the week, so that tourists have a strong reason to spend a whole week in Forte Village. The team builds a concept to compete with all the great Italian opera shows like the one in Verona. The potential knows no limits. At least when there is a master plan behind. ”We can also cover the stage for events held off season. Because, here, the weather is fantastic also in November or March. We can do sports events on an international level. We can mount a tennis court as technically we can do everything at Forte Arena during all year”
Conquering the off-season looks like the next challenge for Forte Village. It sounds also logical when you have so many one-of-a-kind facilities in the world to offer. One of the strengths inside the resort is Thalasso Therapy Spa, an extreme detoxing and antiaging therapy invented and developed within Forte Village decades ago. Practically, you follow a circuit of heated pools, with different salt concentrations, and you feel better. Like Mr Giannuzzi says, it is an invention to receive the Nobel prize. It’s a „miracle” and it’s there all year long. So, why not use Thalasso all year long? ”Everytime we close the Thalasso center in November I think why do we have to close it? Because the weather is fantastic. Occasionally there is a bit of rain but during the rest of the time it’s like summer. So, we started to think of a way to cover it and now we have it!” The SPA is now completely functional all year long. Starting with 2017, Forte Village offers its miraculous Thalasso center for clients even in winter. The pools are covered in steel and glass and, even more interesting, they get covered only during the days of bad weather. For the rest of the time, you just sit in Sardinia’s ”fountain of youth” while the rest of the world freezes and dreams of summer.
Listening to Mr Giannuzzi, the story of Forte Village flies higher and higher. The future looks towards health and everything else related to the modern face of luxury. The offer extends with medical coordinated diets, detox programs, fitness, wellness – all of them defining a one of a kind destination. In an era when the hotel industry becomes too standardized, the ”Italian Holiday State” in the South part of Sardinia is still ruled under its own rules: Sardinian, homemade and particular for the place. The ”ruler” and his team keep the philosophy tasty and make sure everyone comes back year after year.
Back on my seat, in front of Giuseppe Verdi’s romantic opera, I feel the experience in Forte Village has never been more intense than now. Maestro Leo Nucci has just decided to do a bis as he felt the crowd like a part of the play. Himself and everyone in the audience has the proof that Forte Arena managed to build the unique atmosphere Mr Giannuzzi was talking about. I have the fresh air, the real full moon shinning from behind the scene and I don’t think there is any star missing from the clear sky above us. Fact: you can never have enough of Forte Village!
The Forte Arena Program is to be found at
Tickets can be bought directly at
For more details about Forte Village go to
I have also written about Forte Village here: